Maybe you are considering exploring your Irish roots for the first time, or want to investigate your family history further but don’t have the time to look or you would like some help to decide which record collections may be of the most help towards your research goal.
You may not be in the right location to pursue your genealogy project or search a particular set of Records, Will or Graveyard.
Perhaps you have lost a family member in a census or can’t find that elusive wedding.
Knowing about our ancestors can provide a sense of identity in a changing world, and many of us yearn to know more about the people who made us who we are. Yet all too often we know precious little beyond our own grandparents. What part of the country were your ancestors from and what was their place in society?
Irish genealogy has somewhat of a reputation for being a disappointing and frustrating pastime for amateur family historians. Countless stories have emerged of people hitting dead ends and the dreaded brick wall, or you will have been told that all the records were lost in the 1922 Four Courts fire in Dublin and indeed many records, but not all, were lost.
Each family has its own story just waiting to be uncovered, and it’s a real privilege to help someone find out about their past. If you are ready to embark or continue on your voyage of discovery then contact me today, and take your first step towards knowing your ancestors.